Sunday, October 17, 2004

Digital Arts & Culture Student Organization

Hey, glad to hear that you are interested in the group.

I don't know how much you know about the group, but DACSO is the
student organization for the DAC certificate program (and anyone else that is interested). We just were officially approved over the summer, so we are currently moving forward.

Our goal is to create opportunities for people to learn and showcase skills and ideas that are unexplored by other programs or groups on campus. As you know, the digital world is constantly changing, and our group intends to stay on the leading edge, innovating and adapting as need be.

We have a meeting every other Monday at 3:45 in room G10 of Johnston Hall. Check the website below for the date of the next meeting. Everyone is welcome.

If you have any other questions check out these two resources:

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Digital Arts and Culture Certificate Program

The Digital Arts and Culture Certificate Program is designed to provide students with a balanced and comprehensive approach to studying information technology and emerging media forms.

Combining courses in the arts, humanities and social sciences, DAC explores and makes use of a wide range of theoretical, practical and artistic possibilities with new media technologies.

Students in the program will join an exciting community of students, faculty, and working media professionals and digital artists in exploring cyberculture. Upon graduation, students in the program may seek employment in the media industries, as webmasters for organizations, or in the arts.

To obtain the certificate, students will choose eight courses (24 credits) from the program list in three categories: four from the required, two from the conceptual courses, and two from the practicum courses.

Thursday, January 01, 2004


The Digital Arts and Culture Certificate Program is designed to provide students with a balanced and comprehensive approach to studying information technology and emerging media forms.

Combining courses in the arts, humanities and social sciences, DAC explores and makes use of a wide range of theoretical, practical and artistic possibilities with new media technologies.

Students in the program will join an exciting community of students, faculty, and working media professionals and digital artists in exploring cyberculture. Upon graduation, students in the program may seek employment in the media industries, as webmasters for organizations, or in the arts.