Theme - Story
"We can hardly manage our lives without a powerful ongoing narrative. And underneath all these edited, inspired, self-serving or entertaining stories there is, we suppose, some big bulging awful mysterious entity called THE TRUTH, which our fictional stories are supposed to be poking at and grabbing pieces of." Alice Munro
Video Pool Media Art Centre invites submissions for our 2005/2006 programming season. Media artworks that investigate experimental approaches to narrative, pacing, plot, parable, autobiography and/or documentary are strongly encouraged.
We Invite Submissions Of:
- New Media
- Experimental Electronics
- Video
- Video/Film Hybrids
- Performance (with media components)
- Installation (with media components)
- Audio
- Curatorial packages (with media components)
Artists and curators submitting single-channeled work are strongly encouraged to package work into screenings of approx.40-120 minutes in length.
Artists and curators are also encouraged to consider, but are not limited to, Video Pool's new space the Pool Room when submitting proposals. Please visit for Pool Room floor plan and more information.
Submission Requirements:
All submissions must include:
1. C.V. or artist resumé including current contact information (address, telephone# and email) for the artist/curator.
2. A short description of the project or video(s) including an outline of the project's curatorial and/or critical objectives.
3. The project and/or video title(s).
4. Artist Name(s).
5. Project/Video year(s) of completion and city(s) of origin.
6. Project's exhibition history and any other contexts in which the work will be presented in the coming year.
7. A statement indicating if the artist(s)/curator(s) plan to be in attendance with the work and if so in what capacity they would expect to participate in the screening/exhibition.
8. Support Material: Please do not send originals. Video Pool will not accept responsibility for the loss of or damage to, support material.
- Slides, videotapes/dvd, audio cd or written work.
- Video support material should be NTSC and submitted on either, VHS, Mini DV or DVD.
- Audio support material should be submitted on CD.
- Slides should be sleeved, numbered and include the name of the artist and work on each slide.
9. Audio, Video, and or Slide list (detailing all accompanying work).
10. Please include a SASE if you want Support Material returned.
Please Send Submissions To:
Programming Committee
c/o Video Pool Inc.
#300 - 100 Arthur St.
Winnipeg, MB R3B 1H3
Please Contact Cam Hutchison, Programming Coordinator, at or 204.949.9134 ext.1