Sunday, January 28, 2007

Invitation to Participate: The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age

From Nan Kim-Paik:

Invitation to Participate

First Draft Posted for Your Feedback, Commentary, Additions, and Examples

"The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age"
Cathy N. Davidson and David Theo Goldberg
A HASTAC Project

Digital Media and Learning Occasional Series
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

We invite your participation in a collaborative project to envision the future of learning institutions. We have posted a first draft of "The Future of Learning Institutions in a Digital Age" on a collaborative editing and feedback tool ( The tool is developed and hosted by the Institute for the Future of the Book (

We welcome comments, feedback, additions, challenges, and counter-examples. We are especially interested in showcasing current experiments and practices (at your institution or across institutions) that model collaborative, interdisciplinary, and inter-institutional forms of learning. Ideas that enhance, capitalize upon, critique, or incorporate peer-to-peer learning styles that extend the usual boundaries of the
classroom are particularly welcome.

We intend to document innovative practices and to inspire institutional innovation in conception and action-for administrators, policy makers, researchers, teachers, and students (of any age).

In this first, working draft, we lay out premises of "The Future of Learning Institutions". Even at this early stage, we have referenced sources from many fields. We invite you to inform us about other materials-articles, books, websites, blogs, wikis, games-that you find relevant to and compelling for this project.

A progress report will be presented at the first international conference
of HASTAC (pronounced "haystack," an acronym for Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Advanced Collaboratory). This conference, "Electronic Techtonics: Thinking at the Interface", will be held in Durham, North Carolina, April 19-21, 2007. For information about this conference, see

All contributions to this project will be acknowledged on a "Collaborators" section of the final report. We thank you in advance for joining us in imaging the future of learning institutions.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Ivy Film Festival, Brown University

Ivy Film Festival, Film + Screenplay Submission Deadlines

Early Deadline: January 24th
Final Deadline: January 31st

The Ivy Film Festival’s submissions period is coming to a close!
Submit your film or screenplay online to be considered in the 2007 Ivy
Film Festival. Submissions are accepted early until January 24th, 2007,
with a final deadline of January 31st, 2007. Visit to submit your work. This year’s festival takes place April 11-15th at Brown University in Providence, RI.

The Ivy Film Festival encourages the creative efforts of undergraduate
and graduate filmmakers by acting as a quality venue for their work and
by creating opportunities for these filmmakers to learn from one
another and from talented professionals. The festival strives to garner
recognition for student filmmakers by means of a panel of celebrity judges
including: directors, producers, writers, and agents who will view the
top films from the festival.

This year, the festival has partnered with Variety to bring its
visibility to a global level. Each year, awards are sponsored by major
corporations, offering prizes to winners to aid them in their continuous
pursuit of the filmmaking dream. In 2006, the Best Director and Best
Screenplay awards were sponsored by Open Student Television Network (OSTN),
which provided the winners of the respective awards with a new Canon
GL2 digital video camera and a new Apple laptop.

Visit for submission information, updates and
new information about the festival.

If you have any questions about submissions or the festival, feel free
to email me, Meg Boudreau, at Meghan_Boudreau[at]

We look forward to receiving your films and screenplays!


Meg Boudreau – Brown ‘08
2007 Ivy Film Festival
Publicity Coordinator

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Sling presents: "Lantern"

From David J. White aka Agent LeBlanc, Cloudboy:

Sling presents: "Lantern"

Speaker Dust presents: "Noir Condo"

Artasia Gallery and Museum
181 N. Broadway
Historic Third Ward

Take the elevator with the red door to the third floor.

David J. White and Jason Nanna have been working as Sling since January 2006. They have a mutual admiration for psychogeography, experimental film, and indie rock.
This has lead to a busy year of installations, performances and a Mary Nohl fellowship from UW-Milwaukee's venerable Peck School of the Arts for their work with
the time based media collective Done Best Done.
Friday they will present: "Lantern"

Speaker Dust is very private and issues the following statement:
"'Noir Condo' may throw you for a loop.
Expect cream city brick and yellow melting light."

Have a wonderful Gallery Night.
It is going to be frosty.

xtra info: