From Brad Litchenstein, aka @bradleyLbar
New Media Positions at Georgia State University
New Media and Documentary Investigation
Interactive Media Design
Digital Humanities
Digital Music Technology
Digital Arts and Culture, an interdisciplinary certificate program at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, combining courses in the areas of arts, humanities, social sciences and information studies AND a networked community of students, artists, scholars, and practitioners, imagining the future by studying and shaping emerging forms.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Media Studies Colloquium Friday Nov 12, 1pm Merrill 347
From Elana Levine
Associate Professor
Director of Graduate Studies, Media Studies M.A.
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
Just a reminder that we will gather for a Media Studies graduate program colloquium on Friday, Nov. 12 from 1 - 2:15 PM in Merrill 347. Presenting will be:Weiai Xu, "Exotic Disease or Local Disease? Framing Analysis of H1N1 Swine Flu coverage on Chinese Media"Dugan Nichols, "The Connected Dots of Waco and Oklahoma City: Media Frames of Timothy McVeigh"Derek Granitz, "Government Health Care that Never Was: Print News Media Framing of the Public Option During the 2009 Health Care Reform Debate"All are welcome.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Library trials of useful databases
From Elana Levine
Associate Professor
Director of Graduate Studies, Media Studies M.A.
Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
Thought you might be interested to know that the UWM Libraries have subscribed to trial versions of a few useful databases for people doing media-related work, namely the Film and Performance Arts databases through Proquest and the Film and Television Literature Index with Full Text. You can access both . There is a space to enter feedback, which I imagine might encourage the library to subscribe permanently. So please check them out, and write some comments. Would be great to have these resources available to us. I know that I will be encouraging my students to use them, as well, while they still have access.Elana
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
List of Digital Arts and Culture Invitees/ Collaborators
Digital Arts and Culture Faculty Collaborators
to be added or removed from this list, please contact mtasman(at)
Thomas Malaby
Art & Design
Heather Warren-Crow
Lee Ann Garrison
Shelleen Greene
Colleen Ludwig
Lisa Moline
Nathaniel Stern
Art History
Jennifer Johung
CEAS > Computer Science
Ethan Munson
Sandra Braman
Gilberto Blasini
David Clark
Lane Hall
Tasha Oren
Pete Sands
Tami Williams
Anne Wysocki
Chris Burns
Jasmine Alinder
David Allen
Elana Levine
Barbara Ley
Michael Newman
Marc Tasman
Aneesh Aneesh
Elizabeth Buchanan
Thomas Haigh
Michael Zimmer
Monday, October 11, 2010
Artist Clarissa Sligh Oct 19

This just in from Jasmine Alinder, Associate Professor and Co-Coordinator of Public History at UW-Milwaukee.
Sounds like not to be missed.
Photographer and book artist Clarissa Sligh will offer a presentation in the Ettinger Book Artist Series on Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in Special Collections on the fourth floor of the Golda Meir Library.
Combining photographs, drawings, and texts, Sligh’s installations, alternative photographs, and artist’s books are personal and political reflections of her life experiences as a female African American, beginning at fifteen when she was the lead plaintif in 1955 in Virginia.
Clarissa Sligh’s presence in Milwaukee is a collaboration with Woodland Pattern Book Center, where she will offer a workshop on Sunday, October 17. She will also offer a workshop for selected students at UWM.
For more information on Clarissa Sligh and her work, please visit her website at:
From UWM Campus Announcements:
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