Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Call for Submissions: DAC Student Work

The Digital Arts and Culture program at UWM is accepting submissions of work by students in DAC practicum courses for exhibition, publication and exposure on the DAC.NET blog and social networks.

Please send an email to that includes:
  • A brief bio (~150 words or less)
  • A link(s) to your public profile for social media or website
Attach or send links to media of up to three:
  • Images (jpegs, up to 16MB)
  • Videos - under 5 minutes per video please (link)
  • Audio or sound pieces - Up to 10 minutes in length (link or mp3)
  • Written creative work or reviews of films, television, art exhibitions, games, music or other digital media.
For each piece, please include:
  • Artist or artists' name(s)
  • Title
  • Course name and number (JAMS 336)
  • Course Instructor
  • Year and Semester (Fall 2001)
This is an excellent opportunity for students to gain exposure and showcase their work for use as clips in their portfolio. Please submit all materials to

File format for still images: To conform to our viewing format, each still image file may be no larger than 16 MB. Do not format images in any presentation program (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote), or include composite images (more than one work per file). Please send still image files may be sent in jpeg format.

Submission format for videos, moving images, or audio: Please post the time-based file to a sharing site such as YouTube or Vimeo and provide the link. Videos should be no longer than five minutes in length. Please be aware that if you remove the video from YouTube or mark it as "private," it will not be viewable by the exhibition committee.

Please note that submission of materials and links to materials will be considered as your consent for Digital Arts and Culture to reproduce and distribute your materials.with attribution to you, the artist.