Monday, September 26, 2005

Billboard Liberation

I do (not) apologize for the seemingly progressive, antiestablishmentarist sentiment of the last few blogs of art-works. It just seems that all of the good work is produced by angry, disenfranchised people. This is from The Billboard Liberation Front, whose mission states
emphatically and for all time herein that to Advertise is to Exist. To Exist is to Advertise. Our ultimate goal is nothing short of a personal and singular Billboard for each citizen. Until that glorious day for global communications when every man, woman and child can scream at or sing to the world in 100Pt. type from their very own rooftop; until that day we will continue to do all in our power to encourage the masses to use any means possible to commandeer the existing media and to alter it to their own design.

The above image is from the Lord of War project. Also nice is the Information Architecture entry, which explains how the BLF makes its work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I followed some links listed here. Comments from BL people included a denial of doing political billboards--well besides this one.
I wonder: if one is to destroy property of the evil empire of advertising, that would be a political statement in itself.
Too bad so sad for them: their whole project is political in my mind.