Thursday, February 02, 2006

Linden Lab Fellowship for Visual and Performing Arts

Thomas Malaby of Anthropology here at UWM passed this on. He studies virtual worlds, and has been looking in particular at Second Life, produced by Linden Lab.
Linden Lab Fellowship for Visual and Performing Arts

I'm very excited to announce that Linden Lab is offering its first fellowship in visual and performing arts for creative innovation in Second Life.

This $4,000 fellowship will provide a young artist with a chance to be free for a semester or summer to explore the use of the digital world of Second Life as an artistic medium. In doing so, we hope that we will see Second Life used to even greater potential in the expressive arts to the benefit of both the Second Life culture and the broader world of art.

I hope that all of you will take the opportunity to visit for more information, and please let anyone at your university who might be interested know of the March 15, 2006 application deadline. Applications will be reviewed by a panel of distinguished academics, and the fellowship recipient will be announced in mid-April.

Also, please feel free to share this announcement with any colleagues who may have eligible students.

If you have any questions, please just let me know. You can email me at robin[at]


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