Command Lines: The Emergence of Governance in Global Cyberspace
a colloquium at the Hefter Conference Center, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, April 29-30, 2005, organized by Sandra Braman, Dept. of Communication, braman[at]uwm[dot]edu and Thomas Malaby, Dept. of Anthropology, malaby[at]uwm[dot]edu.
free and open to the public
The transfer of many realms of social life to the global domain of cyberspace presents numerous challenges to formal governance through law and law-making while increasing the relative importance of other approaches to "the conduct of conduct." While governments struggle to develop and apply laws to cyberspace, the producers of the internet (its users and programmers) create their own parameters, norms, practices, and rules that control life online. Experience within cyberspace, whether building a virtual world, making or participating in games, or learning how to communicate congenially and productively in a listserv, is becoming the most important training in political life for many. Governance systems being developed within cyberspace in turn are providing models for, or interact with, the laws of governments. This colloquium will examine the diverse ways in which governance is developing within cyberspace and the effects of such approaches on governance in the off-line world. Sessions will cover the entire range of types of governance mechanisms, from the formal laws of government through the formal and informal governance mechanisms of both state and non-state actors to the cultural practices of governmentality that sustain and enable both governance and government.
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Participants and Contributions:
Richard Bartle
"Why Governments aren't Gods and Gods aren't Governments"
Ian Bogost
"Paying Politics: Videogames for Politics, Activism, and Advocacy"
Sadra Braman
"From Governance to Government to Governmentality: The Regulatory Roles
Cyberspace in the Post-Law Era"
Edward Castronova
"The Social Question: Games for People Left Behind"
Leopoldina Fortunati
"User Design and the Democratization of the Mobile Phone"
Alexander Galloway
"How Machines Govern"
John Horrigan
"Pew Survey Research Findings Related to Internet Governance"
Rob Kitchin
"Code, Everyday Life, and Mundane Governance"
Hans Klein
"System Architecture, Geography, and Global Internet Governance"
Marwan Kraidy
"Inter-Media Dynamics and Reality Television in the Arab Region"
Greg Lastowka
"The Jurisdiction of Play"
David Levy
"More, Faster, Better?"
Thomas Malaby
"Coding Control: Ethics and Contingency in the Production of Online
Helen Nissenbaum
"Values at Play: Method and Application"
Christiane Paul
"Digital Art/Public Art: The Networked Commons"
Jonathan Sterne
"Command Tones: Acoustic Space and the Ordering of Motion"
T.L. Taylor
"Beyond Management: Participatory Governance in Emergent Player
Edward Valauskas
Facilitator: Dangling Thoughts Discussion
Deborah Wheeler
"Digital Politics, Responsive Governance, and Cyber Freedoms Meet
Authoritarianism in the Arab World: Results still Emerging"
Michele White
"Guest Work: The Use of the 'Other' in Producing Rules and Identity
Norms in
Internet Settings"
Guobin Yang
"Networks of Power, Links of Resistance: How Online-Offline Connections
Challenge Internet Control in China"
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