Monday, September 26, 2005

Media and Pedagogy Theorist Gregory Ulmer Visiting UWM

From Jon McKenzie
Asst. Professor of English
Coordinator of Modern Studies:

Media and pedagogy theorist Gregory Ulmer is visiting UWM this week.

On Thursday, 9/29, at 4:00 in Curtin 939, Prof. Ulmer will give an informal
colloquium hosted by the Modern Studies program. He will discuss the distinction between grammatology and deconstruction, creativity as supplement to critique, and how all of these inform his "emerAgency" consultancy project. In an open discussion, he will then apply his consultancy skills to the problematic, "w(h)ither modern studies?"
Everyone is welcome; see pdf.

Prof. Ulmer is visiting UWM as part of the Department of Film and Conceptual Studies Colloquia, Art in the Age of the Post-Medium Condition, where he will give a talk titled "Electracy: Flash Reason Against the Internet Accident" on Friday, 9/30, at 2:00 in Curtin 175. This talk is open to the public, but those interested in new media, Comp/Rhet, and cultural theory are especially encouraged to attend. A full schedule of this exciting colloquia series can be seen here. More information and examples of Prof. Ulmer's research and teaching experiments, can be found here.

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