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Thank you Mat Rappaport:
Call for Participation // Projects // Presentations // Provocations
Version>06 :: Parallel Cities
April 20- May 6, 2006 Chicago U$A
Version is a hybrid festival focused on emerging discourses and practices evolving between art, technology and social and political activism. Version examines the activities of local configurations and external networks that use visual and conceptual art strategies, innovative social practices, creative uses of new technologies, organizing strategies, emerging activist/artist initiatives, campaigns, public interventions and DIY projects.
Please visit for more information or go to to use the online submission form.
Alternatively you may mail your proposals to:
960 W 31st St
Chicago Il 60608
contact ed(at) for help.
1 comment:
During this annual convergence we engage in a dialogue about the possible futures ahead that may interdict or provide alternatives to current social, cultural and political trajectories. Version>06 is our fifth convergence and is dedicated to the theme of Parallel Cities. We will investigate and share local strategies and models to inspire action within local and global counter cartographies.
We will convene in Chicago for a seventeen day open laboratory to explore a diversity of tactics and strategies to activate our communities and amplify our ideas and practices. Alternative spaces will be open for staging actions. Public spaces and corporate places will be terrains of intervention.
Version presents a very diverse program of activities featuring an experimental art exposition, artistic disturbances, exhibitions, networked urban events, screenings, interactive applications, performances, street art, presentations, talks, workshops, art rendez-vous, parties, and action.
By bringing together a convergence of allied cultural and social forces and practices we hope that Version can help establish new methodologies and networks of cooperation. Representatives from other cities are invited to present their local counter cartographies as we reveal our own. We want to share your everyday micro actions as well as conceptual and practical projects and activities that can help us to transform personal and shared environments. We want to examine and showcase projects that can be duplicated in our urban environments. We want to hear stories of victories, large and small in making a difference in the various communities that we inhabit. We want to wage the culture war with fresh tactics and renewed energy.
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