From Doreen Maloney, Associate Professor of New Media at the University of Kentucky and Former President, New Media Caucus
The World's Highest Resolution Seamless Display Ever Built
Mersive Technologies is building the highest resolution, seamless display ever seen by the public. The display is composed of 80 digital light projectors blended into a seamless image containing 60 million pixels. These pixels will be packed into a display that is 27 feet across and 15 feet tall. The resulting 160,000 lumens of brightness will be seen for many city blocks in the heart of downtown Louisville, Kentucky as part of the 4-day International Idea Festival (
Imagery that has never before been seen at its native resolution will be unveiled as part of the event.
Call for Imagery, Art, and Content
The display will showcase media from artists and content creators across many domains including science, engineering, medicine, gaming, entertainment, and art. We are looking for media that can take advantage of this increased resolution as well as the public nature of the project. Works selected will reflect both technical and conceptual possibilities presented by the future of high-resolution displays.
Content will be edited into a continuous video loop that will display contributions throughout the 4-day event from 8am to 10pm. Accepted contributors will retain the copyright to their material and will receive acknowledgment on the display, on a printed schedule at the event, and at Mersive's website. All electronically contributed content will be deleted at the end of the event.
See Comments for Submission Details:
1 comment:
Please conisider the following details while preparing content for submission.
1. Resolution: We are seeking still imagery that will ideally be displayed at a resolution of 9216 x 5530 pixels. Content of slightly lower resolutions will be considered and will be placed with a fixed border into the display or edited along side other content. Higher resolution imagery should be downsampled to the correct resolution.
2. Format: We will accept submissions in several standard image formats. However, if you are using an image format that supports lossy compression, please do not use it. For example, we will accept JPEG formatted imagery, but suggest you use lossless compression only.
3. Content: The display will be viewed by visitors to the Media Lounge as close as 10 feet and can be seen several blocks away in downtown Louisville. Ideal content will utilize the very-high resolution of the display but can also be compelling at long distances. Please consider this in determining what content to submit.
Submission is a simple two step process. First you must register yourself as a content provider on the submission page. We will use your contact information to correctly acknowledge your contribution(s). Once you have registered you will be able to provide media submissions via that same website. For each piece you intend to contribute, you must upload a low resolution sample, the title of the piece and any other comments about the media you wish to provide.
For each piece you submit you will then mail the full resolution versions on CD or DVD to:
Mersive Technologies
Attn: Call For Art
137 West Vine Street
Lexington, KY 40507
Registration as Content Provider: August 31, 2006
Receipt of Media via Mail : Sept. 15, 2006
The Idea Festival
The 4th International Idea Festival will be 4 days of events plus a dizzying array of extraordinary thinkers. Over 20,000 people will attend the idea festival this year with speakers and participants from around the globe and across disciplines including Burt Rutan, Ray Kurzweil, Valerie Boyd, and DJ Spooky. Visit for more details about the event.
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