Wednesday, April 27, 2011

embodied placemaking (part two)

FREE and open to the public
When: Friday, April 29
Where: UWM Campus, Curtin Hall Room 175 (3243 N. Downer Ave)
Time: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Embodied placemaking occurs on streets, along edges of buildings, and in interiors and plazas. It happens momentarily or persists over days, repeats seasonally or remains a historical memory of an event from the past. Its very ordinariness and ethereality speak of deeply engrained cultural practices and knowledges that are so integral to our experiences and expectations of a city that we never question them.

Our speakers address embodied placemaking from a range of disciplinary perspectives and at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Several explore how buildings and cities can be designed in order to encourage and enhance possibilities of such engagements; others present case studies of such processes in contemporary cities. Several theorize on the cognitive and sensory processes by which individuals make place while others study the politics of embodied placemaking.

Speakers include: Rachel Breunlin (U of New Orleans), Elizabeth Currid-Halkett (USC), Emanuela Guano (Georgia State), Jennifer Geigel Mikulay (Alverno), Carl Nightingale (SUNY-Buffalo), Janet Zweig (Brooklyn, NY).

embodied placemaking is sponsored by C21 (College of Letters and Science, with the support from the Graduate School, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)

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