Monday, March 26, 2012

Timothy Lenoir, "Premediating Neurofutures: Brain-Machine Interfaces and the New New Media"

This Friday Timothy Lenoir will give a talk that will trace lines of convergence among several areas of neuroscience, engineering, and computational media that raise prospects for not only realizing early dreams of human augmentation via man-computer symbiosis, but also of possibly transforming the human being as we know it in radical ways.

He will look specifically at current work in brain-machine interfaces used in therapeutic neuroprosthetics, and will address the research being done in the cognitive neuroscience on the role of affect in decision making, as well as on the leveraging of next-generation social media and smart devices as the "brain-machine" interfaces for measuring, data-mining, modeling, and mapping affect.

Friday, March 30
3:30 pm
Curtin 118
Free and open to the public

Also if you are interested...

Brown bag lunch with Timothy Lenoir
Friday, March 30
12 noon, Curtin 939

Who is Timothy Lenoir? He is he Kimberly Jenkins Chair for New Technologies in Society at Duke University, and is the founder and co-director of GreaterThanGames, which is a multidisciplinary lab at Duke that focuses on the development of transmedia, alternate reality games. Turning Swords to Ploughshares (, a training and simulation game-based learning environment for workers and students in the field of peace and conflict resolution.

Click here for more information.

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