Call for papers: Crossings: A Counter-Disciplinary Journal
Issue # 9: The "Work" of Art
DEADLINE: December 1, 2005
The ninth issue of Crossings aims at addressing the ambiguous
relationship between the aesthetic and the ethical. The binary between
ethicism (the notion of art as a guide to morality) and aestheticism
(the notion that art and morality are autonomous spheres) has
historically framed the thinking about art and ethics, but what is at
stake in limiting our thinking to this framework? We invite people to
think beyond and across this gulf and to imagine other possibilities
of art's power.
Assuming that art exercises power in the realms of the social and the
ethical, we may ask the question: what should art do, or what is the
work of art? We know that art can instigate social change, but art's
power may reach further, actually determining the social and the
ethical in some way.
Philosophers have long discussed thought's dependence on the
construction of images, or what might be termed "the imagination".
Given this relationship between thinking and the imagination, are
moral and political philosophy, along with other forms of thinking,
forms of art or literature? What is the transformative power of
image-making in relation to thinking and the construction of a social
reality? Do aesthetics and the imagination hold the radical potential
to burst the solidity of the normative structures of "universal" modes
of perception and fundamentally change the way we construct and relate
to our world and one another? What are the implications of this
complex network that encompasses thinking, the imagination, the
aesthetic, and the political, social, and ethical?
All forms of art are open for discussion. We invite essays from
practicing artists in all mediums, in addition to scholars from
various fields.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
Aestheticizing politics and politicizing art
"Body Art": Piercing, Tattoos, Body Building
Politically "committed" literature
Indigenous art
The instrumentalization of art
Art and violence
The institutionalization of art
Art and revolution
Ethics as art/Art as ethics
Art and pornography
Art and authenticity
Exposure to alterity or the political through art
The art market
Performance art
Image-making and thinking
Religion and popular literature
The gesture of art's work in relation to language
Protest art forms
Pedagogical possibilities: Art and the ethical in the classroom
Submissions should be in MSWord or WordPerfect format, double-spaced,
and conform to the Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition, endnote
citation format. Hard copy manuscripts should be submitted in duplicate
and should be accompanied by a disk version (IBM compatible 3 1/2"
disk). Manuscripts will not be returned unless accompanied by a
self-addressed, stamped envelope. A style sheet is available in Adobe
Acrobat format on-line at: Additional information can be found at: Send all manuscripts and inquiries by December 1, 2005 to:
Amy Smith at xings[at]
Department of English
P.O. Box 6000
Binghamton University
Binghamton, New York 13902-6000
From the Literary Calls for Papers Mailing List
Full Information at
or write Jennifer Higginbotham: higginbj[at]